How AI Revolutionized Marketing? – Evolution of AI in Marketing
What Do You Understand About AI in Marketing?
You might sometimes want to buy a new jacket for yourself to impress someone or prepare yourself for the upcoming winter. When you go online and search for it, you either buy it or drop the plan for later. But the story just begins here.
The algorithm now knows that you need a jacket. It keeps flashing your social media feeds with advertisements of fancy-looking jackets that you can’t resist purchasing and eventually lose the battle with AI.
It’s no secret that firms that have adopted AI into their systems are incurring huge profits just because of such advancements in machine learning. Evergage conducted a survey in which they found out that marketers experienced a 61% increase in their conversion rates when they offered their audience AI-based personalization.
AI works on deep learning-based mechanisms that analyse patterns and metrics to bring about the desired result at a robust rate.A survey conducted in 2019 tells us that 84% of the sales and marketing professionals are already taking help from AI-based tools to perform various marketing operations.
AI funding is also said to reach $77.6 billion by 2022. Nothing can stop AI from becoming a giant in the coming future. But before going any further, let’s talk about the history of Artificial Intelligence in marketing and how AI took its form.
1) Origin of AI as a Field:
In 1956, Artificial Intelligence was officially announced for the first time at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. It is also known as the official birthday of AI as a field. Scientists have always been fascinated by the idea of building systems that can work on data to make predictions that could be faster and more accurate than a human brain.
A whole length of history tells us how movie makers and philosophers- through different mediums- have narrated their ideas and opinions about machine learning. For example, Gottfried Leibniz published Dissertatio de arte combinatoria (In 1666) and a sci-fi movie named Metropolis (In 1927) in which a futuristic robot of a pleasant girl was shown. Before the beginning of the 21st century, there was too much turmoil in the history of artificial intelligence in marketing.
Machine languages came into existence: After the birth of Artificial Intelligence, AI-based computer languages like FORTRAN, LISP and COBOL also took birth, but LISP was the most popular one.
Futuristic Prediction based mechanism of AI was put forward: In 1959, Oliver Selfridge published Pandemonium- A paradigm for learning. He talked about the process by which computers could recognise patterns to make predictions.
Introduction of the first ChatBot: The first chatbot created by Joseph Weizenbaum that came into existence in 1966 was named ELIZA.
AI’s first winter hit: 1974-1980 was the time when AI faced its first winter. Due to critics, people started losing their interest in AI, and the government stopped funding it.
2) The Time When AI Started Gaining Momentum:
After the AI winter, people once again got enthusiastic about AI. Soon, it started booming; new inventions began happening all over the world, government fundings were open for all once again.
Now let’s discuss what all happened in this pre 21st century period, which transformed Artificial Intelligence.
AI’s comeback: The first national conference on Artificial Intelligence took place at Stanford University.
New ‘Expert System’ was introduced: AI bounced back with an ‘expert system’ that can make crucial decisions like a human being but much faster.
AI received funding from JMITI: Japanese Ministry of International trade and industry-funded $850 million for the 5th Gen Computer project aimed at developing computers that could interpret images, carry conversations, andreason like human beings.
Got hit by the second winter: 1987-1993 was the second winter hit when again the governments and investors stopped funding AI due to its high cost but less efficiency (at that time).
3) The Era of AI Boom in Marketing :
Machines got way better at predicting the behaviour of people by following patterns. This way, it became much more accessible for marketers to understand their audience and close them. The popularity of AI-based algorithms started skyrocketing because of their ability to track and collect billions of data patterns that can help predict individuals’ behaviour.
The advertisement industry got ecstatic seeing the power of AI in the business world, and they started endorsing the fabrication of such tools, which could make sales handier and faster.
AI’s entry into the business world: In 2006, AI rocked the business world and big companies like Facebook, Twitter and Netflix also started using AI to show relevant suggestions or content to the audience based upon the actions taken by them in the past.
AI made ad creation Handy: The hefty task of researching the audience, creating digital ads, etc., which usually took considerable time & effort, was now more effortless and efficient through programmatic ad buying.
Fast and accurate search results: Google introduced a robust algorithm named ‘RankBrain’ whose entire purpose was to show relevant search results that match with words and users’ intentions. It’s so effective that it can successfully understand the error made by a user typing search queries and shows the best result always.
Chatbots became more intelligent and lucrative: Chatbots became very personalised and effective, which resulted in building better relationships and understanding of the customers. Chatbots are one of the most potent marketing tools run by AI, which talks to people based upon predetermined scenarios. They are vividly helpful in solving problems, collecting information or marketing products.
Infographic Content:
AI has made its place in the advertisement industry by delivering impeccable results in less time and cost but with more efficiency.
AI has a lot to do with revolutionising the digital era. Without AI-based tools, there’s significantly less scope of the internet, both for the audience and the marketers.
The origin of AI as a field
1956 is the official birthday of AI as a field.
Many AI-based computer languages took birth, out of which LISP was the most popular one.
The prediction-based mechanism in AI was talked about in 1959.
The first chatbot named ELIZA came into existence in 1966
AI got hit by its first winter in the period 1974-1980. All AI fundings were stopped.
AI got geared up again
The first national conference on AI took place at Stanford.
An expert system that was capable of making human-like decisions was founded.
AI received funding from JMITI.
Got hit by the second winter, which lasted from 1987 to 1993.
The era of AI boom in marketing
Big companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix also started leveraging AI to enhance their customer experience.
Programmatic Ad buying made advertisement easy and cost-effective.
Google integrated RankBrain that optimised search results based on users’ queries.
Chatbots became more intelligent and lucrative for marketers.